About Relationships is thinking about others’ actions can give you a headache. Think about what you have to do instead.
Do it and you will see how you than feel. No one can disturb your peace of mind. You are your friend or your enemy. your limitations, weaknesses, expectations and negative habits threaten your peace and make you suffer.
If someone is doing something wrong, instead of risking your peace by raisingcom plaints in your mind, ask yourself “what can I do to benefit that person?”
Good feelings for others are like ointments that heal wounds and re-establish friendship and relationships. Good feelings are generated in the mind, are transmitted through your attitude and are reflected in your eyes
and smile.
Smiling opens the heart and a glance can make miracles happen.
Humanity is like a tree. Each human being is connected with the seed and belongs to the same tree is that it has different branches and on each branch, numerous leaves.
All individuals are also different and have their own role. Think about what we have incom mon and you will appreciate every human being.
This is a key to remain at peace.
One of the principal reasons for fear in our society is that we hear so much bad news about violence and conflict.try changing the theme of your conversation and start talking about what life gives you.
It is necessary to create hope and enthusiasm for the future and to have a more positive view of the present reality.
In this way we promote peace.
Cooperate with others.
Create cooperation.
Teach cooperation.
Inspire cooperation and you will find in your workplace a space to learn and a place for personal growth. Your motivation will shift from earning to learning.
The root of suffering is attachment. You have created a space in your mind that holds a person or object as part of you. When that person or object is criticized, neglected or not with you, you feel pain in your mind and you experience a sense of loss.
If you want to be happy, you must learn to love and appreciate while remaining independent.
A sensible person knows that it is a waste of time and energy to get angry. Effort will then have to be made to reconstruct that relationship. It is much more useful to breathe deeply, pay attention to your attitude and answer without rushing.
In this way, improve and strengthen your relationship with others. Create trust and your mistakes will be forgiven.
In order to create good relationships…
- with your mind, think about what you have to learn from others,
- with your eyes, look into the good qualities of others,
- with your words, recognize, value and appreciate their accom plishments,
- with your actions, cooperate and do something for others.
In order to live in peace, try not to depend on anyone and at the same time try to help others not to depend on you. Help them becom e independent, free and responsible for their lives. In the same way, ensure you do not cause anyone sorrow, and do not allow others to be a source of hurt for you.
The most effective way to help others is always to remain peaceful. Be the example other want to see.
It is important to understand situations. They give you perspective. Apply what you understand because that give you experience.
If you think you can do something alone, either because you dot ‘ t trust others to do it or because you feel you are the most qualified …
You will always be busy doing everything, you will be unhappy with others because they are not doing what you want, you will be dissatisfied.
It is more effective to invest your time in training and developing others. There is greater success in cooperation.
Your words might impress others. People will say ‘’He is a good speaker. What interesting things he said.’’ But it you do not put into practice what you say, others will not feel inspired to do it. It is your actions which will inspire and show them how to do it.
When you make a mistake, learn from it, resolve not to repeat it and then forget about it, you will feel better again. Do the same with others. Instead of making their mistakes bigger, dissolve them in your mind and help them to also to forget about them.
A sensible person does not criticize the mistakes of others. Instead, he learns from them for the future.
The great enemy of peace is ego. Ego makes you judge others and think about them in an unkind way. It makes you force others to do what you want. In this way you forget you are a student and that you are here to learn.
Instead of learning, if you start giving advice, telling people what they should do and trying to change them, you are forgetting an important lesson in life. You can only change yourself, not others.
Give happiness and you will receive happiness.
Give peace and you will feel peaceful.
Give sorrow and will get sorrow in return.
Create thoughts and words that give only peace and happiness. The world is filled with worry and sorrow. Do something different.
In order to work peacefully within a group do the following. Give your idea as an expert, with authority and enthusiasm, then let go of it, but listen carefully and with interest to the idea of others.
Love is shown though respect. When you respect, you can speak up clearly and the rest
will listen to you.
Who are the thieves of peace ?
Why is peace lost in relationships ?
com plaints, guilt and com parisons are the main destroyers of peace. Instead of com plaining, share newness. Instead of looking for someone to blame, take responsibility for improving the situation. Instead of com paring yourself to others, value the good that is in them.
Do it and you will see how you than feel. No one can disturb your peace of mind. You are your friend or your enemy. your limitations, weaknesses, expectations and negative habits threaten your peace and make you suffer.
If someone is doing something wrong, instead of risking your peace by raising
Good feelings for others are like ointments that heal wounds and re-establish friendship and relationships. Good feelings are generated in the mind, are transmitted through your attitude and are reflected in your eyes
and smile.
Smiling opens the heart and a glance can make miracles happen.
Humanity is like a tree. Each human being is connected with the seed and belongs to the same tree is that it has different branches and on each branch, numerous leaves.
All individuals are also different and have their own role. Think about what we have in
This is a key to remain at peace.
One of the principal reasons for fear in our society is that we hear so much bad news about violence and conflict.try changing the theme of your conversation and start talking about what life gives you.
It is necessary to create hope and enthusiasm for the future and to have a more positive view of the present reality.
In this way we promote peace.
Cooperate with others.
Create cooperation.
Teach cooperation.
Inspire cooperation and you will find in your workplace a space to learn and a place for personal growth. Your motivation will shift from earning to learning.
The root of suffering is attachment. You have created a space in your mind that holds a person or object as part of you. When that person or object is criticized, neglected or not with you, you feel pain in your mind and you experience a sense of loss.
If you want to be happy, you must learn to love and appreciate while remaining independent.
A sensible person knows that it is a waste of time and energy to get angry. Effort will then have to be made to reconstruct that relationship. It is much more useful to breathe deeply, pay attention to your attitude and answer without rushing.
In this way, improve and strengthen your relationship with others. Create trust and your mistakes will be forgiven.
In order to create good relationships…
- with your mind, think about what you have to learn from others,
- with your eyes, look into the good qualities of others,
- with your words, recognize, value and appreciate their ac
- with your actions, cooperate and do something for others.
In order to live in peace, try not to depend on anyone and at the same time try to help others not to depend on you. Help them be
The most effective way to help others is always to remain peaceful. Be the example other want to see.
It is important to understand situations. They give you perspective. Apply what you understand because that give you experience.
If you think you can do something alone, either because you dot ‘ t trust others to do it or because you feel you are the most qualified …
You will always be busy doing everything, you will be unhappy with others because they are not doing what you want, you will be dissatisfied.
It is more effective to invest your time in training and developing others. There is greater success in cooperation.
Your words might impress others. People will say ‘’He is a good speaker. What interesting things he said.’’ But it you do not put into practice what you say, others will not feel inspired to do it. It is your actions which will inspire and show them how to do it.
When you make a mistake, learn from it, resolve not to repeat it and then forget about it, you will feel better again. Do the same with others. Instead of making their mistakes bigger, dissolve them in your mind and help them to also to forget about them.
A sensible person does not criticize the mistakes of others. Instead, he learns from them for the future.
The great enemy of peace is ego. Ego makes you judge others and think about them in an unkind way. It makes you force others to do what you want. In this way you forget you are a student and that you are here to learn.
Instead of learning, if you start giving advice, telling people what they should do and trying to change them, you are forgetting an important lesson in life. You can only change yourself, not others.
Give happiness and you will receive happiness.
Give peace and you will feel peaceful.
Give sorrow and will get sorrow in return.
Create thoughts and words that give only peace and happiness. The world is filled with worry and sorrow. Do something different.
In order to work peacefully within a group do the following. Give your idea as an expert, with authority and enthusiasm, then let go of it, but listen carefully and with interest to the idea of others.
Love is shown though respect. When you respect, you can speak up clearly and the rest
will listen to you.
Who are the thieves of peace ?
Why is peace lost in relationships ?