
Friday, 19 August 2011

How to Become Peaceful Character?

To be peaceful you have to see yourself as a peaceful being. It means to think about being peaceful. It means that you have to be able to describe it in words. You must be capable of experiencing the feelings you would have if you reached that peaceful state.

Now believe in it.

If you feel it’s real.

Simply work on it and keep it uppermost in your mind. Make it yours and it will become your natural behavior.

Say there is a weak spot, something you do not see or that you do not want to see about your character. The way to discover it is through others. They are the mirrors that reflect your personality. If something bothers you about someone, you are recognizing an attitude that is actually within you. When you feel it does not affect you and can respond calmly, it means that this weakness is no longer in you.

When you do not upset yourself thinking about how others must change and instead you concentrate on your own change, good thing start to happen. First, you will feel better about yourself. Second, you will start to have positive feelings towards others and start to understand them. Third others start having a more positive attitude towards you.

There are many hidden benefits in personal change.

You attitude creates an atmosphere around you. Your attitude is the result of the way you feel and thing. You communicate your attitude. Create a positive attitude, filled with good feelings, and even just your presence will do wonders in situations.

Peace is not a passive attitude; it is an active state. It requires having constant attention and determination, in order to live and to respond as a peaceful being to any upset in life 

You need to be brave and vigilant.

Anything you keep within you will automatically reveal itself. Therefore make sure character. These will be revealed through your eyes, your words and your behavior and your will be capable of having great influence on others.

The most powerful form of teaching is by example.

What you see through your eyes creates great impact. The heart accepts it and does not need many words.

You cannot impose peace through force but you can be peaceful and create a peaceful environment.

To forgive and forget is to reflect love. Many are slaves of the past. Situations pass, they cease to exist, but they continue to be generous, free yourself from that sorrow, forgive and forget and you will live every moment in peace.

To stay happy in every situation remember what has helped you, what has made life worthwhile. Forget the old, the things of no value, and what has stolen your dreams . you grow and progress in life thanks to what motivates and inspires you. You get depressed through remembering your weaknesses and mistakes.

Worries are an illusion. They make you live in the future with the belief that you are busy and take you away from the preset. Worries are an excuse for not doing what you really have to be doing.

A reactive person appears very busy and worried. With worry, no problems cam be resolved.

A proactive person focuses attention on the present, acts with initiative, and the understanding that being calm and free form worry is far more effective.

Your actions are the mirror of your thoughts. You can hide your thoughts but you cannot hide your actions. Have elevated thoughts and your actions will be elevated.
Firm faith and self- confidence in your goals determine your destiny. Be sure not to forget your goals; do not allow doubts to come. Instead of seeing problems, see only opportunities.

Self – control is not about suppressing emotions or tolerating the pressure of circumstances. Self- control is to be the creator of your new answers. This helps you to remain calm and cool.

You search for something you know exists because you have experienced it in the past. All you searching ends when you find yourself. You do not need to go anywhere, or to look beyond yourself. Just become what you were before.

You fill your life with peace when you discover you only have to be yourself, to be what you have always been – a peaceful being.

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